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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than two weeks ago
Male, 31 year, born on 20 March 1993
Not looking for a job
Tashkent, willing to relocate (Australia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Georgia, Other regions, Kazakhstan, Canada, UAE, USA, Uzbekistan, Czech Republic, South Korea), prepared for business trips
The approximate area of the job search is specified
Logistics and international logistics manager
1 000 $ in hand
- Logistics manager, cross-border logistics manager
Employment: full time, part time, project work
Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule
Work experience 10 years 10 months
July 2016 — currently
8 years 9 months
Enter Engineering Pte. Ltd.
Uzbekistan, ent-en.com/ru/
Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more
Finance the company operating; accomplish the payments in the international manner; consolidate the data from different sources and interpret the information to the top management.
February 2015 — July 2016
1 year 6 months
Universal Mobile Systems
Uzbekistan, www.ums.uz
Telecommunications, Communications... Show more
Controlling the revenue, minimizig the old and exisitng size of debt: controlling the account payables and ensuring their occurance on time: credit control: preparation of daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly reports.
June 2014 — September 2015
1 year 4 months
Casa Taco and Tequila Bar
Hotels, Restaurants, Food Service Industry, Catering... Show more
Inventory manager
Receiving goods, counting received and sold goods; managing the inventory
Serving to the customers; monitor incoming supply; operate the business
Chain of inbound and outbound goods, managing supply chain and operate the processes inside and outside of the firm; segment the market, target customers, establish good relation with the existing and new customers and suppliers
Skill proficiency levels
About me
Lying on a beach in a leisure time
Observing people`s behaviour around me
Having a walk in a good climate with good personals, in a good mood
Higher education (bachelor)
University of Wales
Management, Industrial Management
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Uzbekistan
Permission to work: Uzbekistan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter