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Was online more than two weeks ago


Female, 39 years, born on 15 August 1985

Not looking for a job

USA, not willing to relocate, prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified


3 000 $ in hand

  • Interpreter

Employment: full time, part time, project work, volunteering, work placement

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 17 years 11 months

September 2020November 2020
3 months

Moscow, www.tinkoff.ru

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Compliance Specialist
Analysis of AML/CFT banking transactions, participation in training and improvement of business processes
April 2020August 2020
5 months

Rostov-na-Donu, www.sbrf.ru

Financial Sector... Show more

Mortgage Manager
Support, consultation, assistance to clients and partners in collecting documents for obtaining a mortgage loan, selling additional services, collecting and analyzing documents.
September 2015April 2020
4 years 8 months

Moscow, www.sbrf.ru

Financial Sector... Show more

Senior Controller of the Compliance Center
Analysis of suspicious transactions on bank clients ' accounts, online control of transactions, formation of requests, financial analysis, formation of motivated judgments, analysis of submitted documents. Formation of messages using the code 6001 for sending to financial monitoring, identification of clients.
March 2013September 2015
2 years 7 months

Saint Petersburg

Financial Sector... Show more

Senior Specialist of the Credit Administration Department
Support of credit transactions: approval and execution of compensation payments under the court's settlement definition, distribution of cancellations, refunds of overpayments on loans, bringing credit agreements in accordance with the court's decision, preparation of conclusions and writing off contracts for off-balance, adjustments to actual transactions in terms of cancellation and award of credit agreements, preparation of calculations of the claim price, removal of arrears for delay, stopping penalties, recalculation of penalty logs, formation of a reserve. Control and accounting of transactions with cash and valuables, conducting transactions on off-balance sheet, securities. Monitoring and control of operations by internal structural divisions of the bank. End of the business day. Follow-up control, writing references. Reconciliation of ATMs. Reporting. I have implemented innovations that have optimized the work of the department in terms of reservations, conclusions and transfers of the assignment. IBSO Testing
January 2013March 2013
3 months
JSC " Alfa-Bank"


Financial Sector... Show more

Senior Operations and Cash Register Employee
Customer service phys.persons : transfers, currency exchange operations, international bank cards (credit, debit). Lending. Card accounting, ordering and issuing to customers, destruction. Reporting. Control and processing of specialist operations. Collection and cash reinforcement of internal structural divisions. Logging, cross-linking.
December 2010January 2013
2 years 2 months
OJSC " MDM Bank"

Rostov-na-Donu, www.mdmbank.ru

Financial Sector... Show more

Senior Specialist of the Department of Accounting for Intrabank Transactions
Reflection of the financial result of the bank's operating activities. Preparation and control of the budget. Preparation of reports at the request of the manager, mandatory reporting on reserves for possible losses, reports to statistics. Formation of reserves for possible losses, drawing up a reasoned judgment, orders. Payment and accounting of state duties, maintenance of the register. Payment of bills, payments on internal obligations of the bank (household).contracts), transactions on the sale of property (cars, real estate). Maintenance and accounting of VAT on commissions, from the rental of safe deposit boxes, from the sale of property. Transactions for accountable persons: travel expenses, business expenses, representative expenses, etc. Opening and closing accounts, linking accounts to contracts, etc. Property accounting, sales, and inventory management. Post-control of operations on deposit boxes.
July 2009December 2010
1 year 6 months
LLC " TD Fanagoria"


Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Analyst, marketing manager
Financial analysis, sales analysis, plan factor analysis, planning, budgeting. Analysis of accounts receivable, business processes. Regulatory reporting for management accounting. Motivational programs, participation in the development of marketing campaigns, summing up. Internal audit.
May 2009July 2009
3 months
LLC " ID "Priazovsky Krai" publishing house, mass media


Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Chief accountant
Full accounting and tax reporting, labor and wages, statistics, budgeting, business planning, economics.
November 2008April 2009
6 months
Production company Lilia, IP Kitaykin A. B.


Financial Sector... Show more

The Economist
Market segmentation analysis, factoring operations, financial management, production planning and cost analysis, plan-factor analysis, financial analysis (horizontal, vertical and factor analysis), business planning, control of accounts payable and receivables. Conducting operations on the current account and treasury (BDS, BDR), cash register, working with the Bank-Client program (statements, reflection of movement on the current account in 1C), advance reports, maintaining an individual entrepreneur, LLC.
February 2008October 2008
9 months
CJSC " K-Invest "(group of companies) Business-Service LLC"

Financial Sector... Show more

Tax accountant, further executive duties of the Deputy head of the Tax Accounting Service, Economist of the Treasury
Preparation of payment plans, budgeting, preparation of documents for obtaining loans. Client bank, advance reports. Drawing up a payment plan, balance sheet, income statement, statistics. Preparation of documents for obtaining loans (preparation of accounting statements, additional agreements, loan agreements, etc.).
June 2004February 2008
3 years 9 months
LLC "Consulting and Law Firm" Center"


Financial Sector... Show more

Accounting and tax accounting consultant, accountant
Installation and work with special programs 'distribution of software products for tax' operational set of reports for tax on diskettes' advising taxpayers. Transmission of reports via the Internet' installation of special software packages for reporting; Organization of training courses for new employees.
June 2002October 2003
1 year 5 months
Institute of Entrepreneurship and International Relations


Educational Institutions... Show more

The Economist
Working with documents - contracts, advance reports, current account management, bank statements, Client Bank. Preparation of a payment plan and budget, accounting of materials and operating systems, statistical reporting.


Skill proficiency levels
Economic Audit
MS Excel
MS Internet Explorer
MS Outlook
Contract Compliance Management

Driving experience

Driver's license category B, D, BE

About me

More than 10 years of experience in banking, lending and compliance. She has worked in the largest banks in Russia. For 3 years, he led a staff of more than 30 people. Excellent skills in analyzing financial activities and identifying questionable transactions. Self-organized, focused on effective teamwork.


Higher education

Moscow Institute of International Economic Relations
global economy, the Economist



EnglishB2 — Upper Intermediate

GermanA1 — Basic

Professional development, courses

Курсы немецкого и английского языков
Учебный центр, -
Курсы по подготовке к получению аттестата аудитора
Курсы 1С:Предприятие
Учебный центр, -

Tests, examinations

Тренинг "Навыки личной эффективности"
ОАО "Сбербанк России"
Тренинг "Я лидер", " Мы команда", "Все для клиента"
ОАО "Сбербанк России"
Курсы валютного кассира
ОАО "Альфа-Банк", Сертификат валютного кассира
Противодействие легализации и отмыванию доходов полученных преступным путем (ПОД/ФТ)
ОАО "МДМ Банк", хорошо

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia, USA

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter