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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 54 years, born on 6 April 1970

Not looking for a job

Moscow, metro station Medvedkovo, willing to relocate (Great Britain, Germany, Italy, USA, France), prepared for business trips

Solution Architect

8 000 $ in hand

  • Development team leader

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, remote working

Work experience 29 years 2 months

August 2020currently
4 years 8 months


IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Solution Architect
Solution Architect, active Maintainer and Contributor at OSDU (Open Subsurface Data Universe) data platform on behalf of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) cloud service provider (CSP). Playing key role in core, ingestion and consumption OSDU services onboarding, making architecture decisions for implementing and improving both Common and GCP code for Entitlements, Partition, Policy, Legal, Schema, Storage, Search, Dataset, FileDMS, WKS, Ingestion Workflow, Wellbore DDMS, WellDelivery DDMS and other OSDU services. As a maintainer, I provide community with architecture expertise and have a voting voice for common code reviews for MRs contributed by our (GCP) and other (IBM, MS, AWS) CSPs. Actively collaborating with DevOps and Cloud engineers I contribute my ideas, decisions and advice into cloud landscape, capacity and scaleability, CICD, repositories, Disaster Recovery planning and instantiating. Also, I take over technical communication and coordination on behalf of GCP team with other contributor teams and OSDU OMC and PMC representatrives. Those communications are in form of live meetings, Email and Slack threads, contributions in project documents composing etc. Part of my activities and achievements are well-traceable under my profile (https://community.opengroup.org/users/Rostislav_Dublin/activity) at OSDU community Gitlab where more than 750 ADRs (Architecture Decisions Requests), Issues, Merge Requests are authored, reviewed or commented of mine. My last personal achievement is an "Storage agnostic solution for NoSql(KV) data management" which is a Java library for mapping structured KV data produced/consumed by OSDU microservices onto the wide spread of available types of (cloud or on-premises managed) storages. Thus, those services become easily portable between different types of environments: cloud, mixed (eg. Anthos) or on-prem, without services code rework overheads.
July 2019January 2020
7 months


IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Java Chief Architect
In the Feature team, working on CXMessenger MQ/ESB development. Currently busy on STOMP protocol (both Client and Server parts) implementation. Using: JMS and STOMP specs, Spring Messaging package, VERTX, Gradle.
October 2017June 2019
1 year 9 months


IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

SaaS Quality CA (Site Reliability Engineer)
In charge of the 99.9% uptime and most effective costs of the industry leading Nextdocs ECM hosted in the AWS Cloud and providing high availability worldwide access for the multiple scientific corporate clients to the services for managing regulatory, quality and scientific studies documents and processes in compliance with EMA, FDA and clients SOPs and rules. Strictly adhere to the processes for perfect Quality management: - Change management: to keep track of all infra's and product changes (releases, hotfixes, patches) and make sure each change is compliant to the process (includes rollback, timing, etc.), maintain, enhance and automate deployment; - SaaS platform quality management: to define infra (capacity, backup/data integrity) and monitoring (server, service, docker, log aggregation, alerts) needs, supervise that every machine meets the quality bar (monitoring, compliance, AV, automation) and complies with cost-saving initiatives. I maintain machines' tagged catalog, collaborate on risk analysis, define service level objectives and indicators, own product Security (AWS SGs, Firewalls, Access policies to infra's resources), automate security compliance and alerts. - Compliance and license management: to ensure the product is hosted in compliance with all defined SOPs and requirements and uses valid licenses for all 3rd party dependencies, schedule and prepare for infrastructure audits, define work required to pass the audits meeting deadlines from compliance team; - Incident (outage) and Problem management: to keep track of outages with key purpose to improve reliability over time, do RCA (root cause analysis), working with Engineering and SaaS teams and prepare, implement and measure the effectiveness of an action plan to prevent outage from happening again and improving overall Uptime and quality.
May 2017September 2017
5 months


IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Docker Production team Chief Architect
- Multiple Linux services reverse engineering and converting into docker images; - Dockerized services implementation, legacy services termination;
February 2008April 2017
9 years 3 months

Moscow, www.fasp.ru

Financial Sector... Show more

Head of IT
Was in charge of all IT, and in particular: responsible for ideology, design, Java development and maintenance of the XCollect debt collection management system, the main information system of FASP transnational debt collection holding. The system is web-oriented, it includes portal-like customizable frontend and powerful backend. It consists of a number of logical modules, including visually tunable workflow engine, bulk e-mailing and SMS-sending template-based subsystem, reporting and analytical modules, contact center software bidirectional integration, etc. It provides specialized workplaces for almost all staff categories (collector, supervisor, HR and payroll, technologist, finance, etc.) and serves 700+ workplaces 24/7. 3 teams with 30 people in direct submission.
November 2005January 2008
2 years 3 months
Business Data Ltd. (BMicro group)


IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Head of territorial office
Managed projects of deep customizable CRM platform implementation for SMB customers. 5 people in direct submission.
November 2002November 2005
3 years 1 month

Moscow, www.it.ru

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Senior Developer -> Head of development
Held a number of positions from senior programmer to head of development. Responsibilities: direct participation, and then organizing and management of development of several modules (FI, HRM, DMS) of corporate information system. 15 people in direct submission.
May 1999October 2002
3 years 6 months
DalTelecom (Beeline)


Telecommunications, Communications... Show more

Head of managerial software department
FI/Payroll/Warehouse information system deep customization (including data interchange with BSS etc.), release management, deployment and support, business staff training. 10 people in direct submission.
October 1997May 1999
1 year 8 months
JSC "Confectionary plant SPUTNIK"


Food Products... Show more

Head of IT
Was in charge of all IT including infrastructure and information systems deployment, development and support.​ ​5 people in direct submission.
August 1995October 1997
2 years 3 months
LLC "Magkhabarovmet"


Metallurgy, Metalwork... Show more

IT specialist
Was in charge of all IT including infrastructure and information systems deployment, development and support.


Skill proficiency levels
Базы данных
Ведение переговоров
Управление проектами
Английский язык
Деловая переписка
Организаторские навыки
Грамотная речь
Проведение презентаций
Intellij IDEA
Spring Framework
Hibernate ORM
Web Application Development
Business English
Google Cloud Platform

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

Experience and competence: ● enterprise development (CRM, BPM, ECM, FRP, CRM, Contact Center, etc.) ● enterprise on-premises/cloud infrastructure quality management and cost optimization; ● presentation and justification of ideas, concepts, techniques, and software ● Integration of disparate heterogeneous systems and flows ● Database optimization ● Data migration, ETL The current set of competencies as a developer: ● Languages & Specifications: Java SE, Java EE, JS, TypeScript, HTML, CSS ● Frameworks: Spring (Boot, IoC, MVC, Messaging, Security, REST, Data, Cloud); Angular; ● ORM: Hibernate (ORM & Validator) + L2 Cache (Redis, EhCache) ● Databases: ○ SQL: MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Derby(Java DB); ○ NoSql: Redis, MongoDB; ○ Full-text search: Elasticsearch; ○ Obsolete: MS Access, DBF(dBase, Clipper, FoxPro), MUMPS (DTM, Cache) ; ● Data transfer/messaging/protocols: ○ HTTP, REST, STOMP ○ gRPC ● IDE: IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate; Netbeans; ● Web & App servers: JBoss, Tomcat, Glassfish, Jetty; Node.js ● Version control: GIT/Github, Mercurial, Subversion. ● Build managers: Gradle, Maven The current set of competencies as a DevOps/SaaSOps: ● Clouds: ○ AWS (EC2, S3, ELB, Route53, CloudFormation, etc...) ○ VMware vSphere/vCenter ● Containers/Orchestration: ○ Docker ○ Kubernetes ● Monitoring/Alerting/Log shipping ○ ELK+Beats (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, Filebeat, Metricbeat etc) ○ Zabbix, Graphana ○ Graylog ○ Kiwi ● CI/CD, ○ Jenkins, Ansible; ○ Terraform, AWS CloudFormation ○ Puppet ● Scripting ○ Bash, Powershell ○ Python, Groovy, Ruby ● Data formats: ○ XML, JSON, YAML Used organizing & documenting tools: ● Jira + Greenhopper (Agile); ● Confluence; ● Google Office; ● MS Project Other info ● The car driver and yacht skipper licenses; ● Hobbies: Traveller, yacht skipper, home master. ● Credo: practitioner.

Higher education

Far Eastern Railway Academy.
Electrician-Mechanic, Electrician engineer



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter