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Male, 38 years, born on 22 July 1986

Moscow, metro station Oktyabr'skoye Pole, willing to relocate (Australia, New Zealand, UAE, USA, Singapore), prepared for business trips

Functional Architect, Lead analyst, Project coordinator/Project manager, Product owner

4 000 $ in hand

  • Product manager
  • Project manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 19 years 5 months

January 2013currently
12 years 3 months

Moscow, www.luxoft.com

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Lead business analyst
1. Project ETL-system (BigData, Hadoop) for foreign commercial investment bank – lead functional analyst; role - lead functional and technical analyst, engagement and demand manager, lead: 1.1. Gathering and elaboration of requirements; 1.2. Creation of Documents (BRD, FSD, TDD, PAD, POC); 1.3. Conciliation of functional and technical documentation; 1.4. Process modelling (mnemonic-schemes, BPMN, UML, etc); 1.5 Arranging and holding of presentations and demons. 1.6 Arranging meetings and knowledge-transfers; 1.7. Conciliation of CRs with all process participants; 1.8. Evaluation of works and capacity; 1.9. Consulting the project team and teams of related projects; 1.10. Facilitation (internal and external); 1.11 Planing of releases (scope creation) basing on the Requester's business needs, system enhancement strategy and tactical and strategic goals 1.12 Creation and management of small related projects (planing, architecture, analysis, development and implementation) to support main project 1.13 Working in English 1.14 Foreign business trips 2. Project DWH+ETL+Front-end for internal users system (BigData, Hadoop) for Russian commercial bank (GTB) – lead functional analyst; role - lead functional and technical analyst, analysis group manager, functional architect: 2.1. Managing the analysis team 2.2. Gathering and elaboration of requirements; 2.3. Creation of documents (BRD, FSD, TDD etc.); 2.4. Conciliation of functional and technical documentation; 2.5. Process modelling (mnemonic-schemes, BPMN, UML, etc); 2.6. Creation of business and functional architecture; 2.7. Participation in DEMOs and presentations; 2.8. Tuning the work process according to SCRUM-project framework 3. Project Azure+CRM+Front-end for internal users system for Singaporean global investment company – lead functional analyst; role - lead functional and technical analyst, functional architect: 3.1. Gathering and elaboration of requirements; 3.2. Creation of documents (BRD, FSD, TDD etc.); 3.3. Conciliation of functional and technical documentation; 3.4. Process modelling (mnemonic-schemes, BPMN, UML, etc); 3.5. Creation of functional architecture for particular system modules; 3.6. Participation in DEMOs and presentations; 3.7. Tuning the work process according to SCRUM-project framework; 3.8. Long Business trips. 4. Other activities 4.1 Preparation and participation in pre-sales 4.2 Interviewing for analysts and architects
October 2011December 2012
1 year 3 months
"DataTech" Ltd. (I.T. CO.)

Ufa, www.eng.it.ru/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Analyst, Project coordinator
1. Project for the Ministry of the Interior: Creating of AIS for District Policemen, coworking with STC "Sonar-Plus"– analyst assistant: 1.1. Studying the law-basis and regulations; 1.2. Restructuring of current database (dbase III); 1.3. Business-processes modeling (BPMN, SADT, UML); 1.4. Analyzing and re-engineering of “as-is” processes; 1.5. Writing technical documentation. 2. Project “Governmental Services”: Creating and implementation of Automated information system for interdepartmental inquiries and rendering of the governmental and municipal services in Bashkortostan Republic for Government of Bashkortostan Republic – position: analyst; project role: regional project coordinator: 2.1. Gathering of requirements; 2.2. Developing technical documentation for regional Ministries and Departments; 2.3. Conciliation of technical documentation with regional Ministries and Departments; 2.4. Business-processes modeling (BPMN); 2.5. Demonstrations to high-ranked officials (to vice-ministers, ministers, The Governor Administration of the region and to the Governor of the region); 2.6. Verification, reconciliation and getting approval for CRs; 2.7. Holding trainings for officials; 2.8. Consulting project teams and officials in system implementation and specific appropriate law regulations connected with the project; 2.9. Inner and outer facilitation; 2.10. System implementation in the regional Ministries and Departments; 2.11. Planning and task formalization for the project team.
November 2008August 2012
3 years 10 months
Ufa State Aviation Technical University (USATU)


Educational Institutions... Show more

Lecturer, Department assistant
After special training I began to teach students. Worked as a department assistant: 1. A lecturer in Network Economics; 2. A lecturer in Simulation Modeling of Economical Processes; 3. Training students on practical and laboratory studies: 3.1. in Statistics; 3.2. in Informatics; 3.3. in Development and Standardization of Software; 3.4. in Management and Team Building; 4. Consulting students. Several students completed and defended their graduate qualification work under my instruction and guidance. Since November 2008 to August 2012 worked part-time.
February 2006August 2011
5 years 7 months
"Scientific-Research Institute of Technical Systems "Pilot" Ltd.


Industrial Equipment, Machine Tools and Components... Show more

Worked in the Project Management Department as an engineer: 1. Pre-project analysis; 2. Development of information systems for inner and outer use; 3. Implementation of new technologies and methodologies (example: BPM) into working processes; 4. Business analysis and reengineering of business processes for scientific research institute, governmental departments and for oil-holding companies (For example: project of developing and advancing the Situation Centre for RN-Inform [Rosneft]). Developing and implementation of the pilot project "Registry of state investments" which is a part of the AIS «Monitoring and control of state investments» within the confines of the project "ERussia" for Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (MEDT RF). Since November 2008 to August 2011 worked part-time.
June 2005August 2005
3 months
Regional Office of The Federal Tax Service in Bashkortostan

Ufa, www.r02.nalog.ru

Government Organizations... Show more

Trainee, Assistant
As a trainee and assistant during internship: 1. Implementation of inner automated system “DKS”; 2. Collecting statements from district offices in Bashkortostan Republic; 3. Office work in financial department.


Skill proficiency levels
Business English
Business Analysis
Project management
Atlassian Jira
MS Visio
Team management
Presentation skills
Strategic Planning
Big Data
Driving Licence B
Job Evaluation
Project Documentation
Agile Project Management
AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler
Functional Architecture
Business Architecture

About me

Technical Skills: - Reengineering and optimization of business processes - Functional point analysis (FPUG) - Agile methodology (Kanban, SCRUM frameworks) - Languages (English [fluent], German [reading and basic communications] - Creation of ontologies - Creation of documentation (BRD, FSD, TDD, PAD, POC, User guides and run-books etc.) - Evaluation of works - CR Management - Business and system analysis - Data Modeling - Big Data, ETL, Hadoop Ecosystem (from functional and partially technical and architecture perspective), - SOA - Delphi, PL/SQL, Oracle, MS-SQL, XSD/XML, Altova, Java (begginer level) - Modeling and BPM: RunaWFE, ERWin, BPWin, ARIS Express, BizAgi, Enterprise Architect - Notations: 1. SADT (IDEF0, IDEF3, IDEF1x, DFD) 2. BPMN 1.1, BPMN 2.0 3. UML 2.0 etc. - Else: MS Office (inc. MS-Project, MS-Visio, MS-InfoPath), Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Statistica, Rockwell Arena, 1С Предприятие, Гарант, Консультант, ЭП (Крипто ПРО CSP 3.0 и 3.6, Крипто ПРО JCP 1.0.52+Rutoken/Etoken), TortoiseSVN, JIRA, Spider Project, Lotus Notes. - Standards: GOST 6.30, GOST 34, GOST 19, GOST R ISO 15288, ISO 10006, ISO 9000/9001 и др. Soft skills: - Team Lead and teamwork - Project management and coordination - Sales and presentations - Negotiations - Tutoring and mentoring in analysis - Communication: facilitation (internal and external) and conflict resolution - Courtesy - Flexibility - Integrity - Interpersonal skills - Positive attitude - Professionalism - Responsibility - Work ethic Credo: "It's my business/project - i'am not aloof".

Higher education

Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Automated control systems, Completed postgraduate studies, candidate exams successfully passed, working on my PhD research
Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Informatics in Economics, Diploma with Honors № BCA 0502233
Bashkir Economics College
Economist in Banking, № СБ 3683256



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

GermanB2 — Upper Intermediate

Professional development, courses

Business process modeling with BPMN 2.x
Luxoft Training, Business and Functional analysis
Agile methodology: SCRUM implementation
Luxoft Training, Project organization and management methodologies
FPUG (Functional Point Fundamentals)
DCG (David Consulting Group), Functional analysis
Agile methodology: Kanban implementation
Luxoft Training, Project organization and management methodologies
Ведение переговоров и разрешение конфликтов
Luxoft Training, Project organization and management methodologies
Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Department of the automated control systems, Working on my PHD

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Up to one hour