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Was online more than two weeks ago


Female, 36 years, born on 18 February 1989

Not looking for a job

Chelyabinsk, I want to relocate (Australia, Vladivostok, Indonesia, Canada, Netherlands, New Zealand, UAE, Portugal, USA, Saint Petersburg, Serbia), prepared for business trips

Event organization manager

70 000  in hand

  • Event manager
  • Marketing manager, internet marketer

Employment: full time, part time, project work, work placement

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 15 years 10 months

December 2018currently
6 years 4 months
Appen Buttler Hill

Australia, appen.com/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Taking part in different transcribing projects: Apollo, Baykal, Mettawhee-H Performed as a QA team member in Apollo project, Making voice recordings in Russian and English for data collection, Transcribing voice recordings, phone conversations, vlogs, podcasts.
January 2015currently
10 years 3 months
Информационный центр атомной отрасли


Public Activity, Political Parties, Volunteering, Non-Profit Organizations... Show more

Project manager
• Successfully manages domestic and international events for raising awareness around safe nuclear energy across schools and universities. Represents the firm abroad. • Conducts written and verbal translation for negotiations with international partners and also drafts event reports for the leadership on regular baisis • Leads the firm’s monthly newsletter and social media pages in VK, Facebook, Instagram
August 2010currently
14 years 8 months
Odyssey of the Mind

USA, www.odysseyofthemind.com/

Educational Institutions... Show more

International program judge, Odyssey of the mind, Help with meeting teams and arranging their activity, Take part in different competition of Reagional, European and World level, Provide good simultaneous translation with the founder of the program Dr. Sam Micklus, Ensure good creativity in solving problems and spontaneous tasks, Prove high judging skills.
September 2019December 2019
4 months

Saint Petersburg, www.rosrao.ru/

Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Head of public reception
• Processed various business administrative documents including marketing presentations, project plans, invoices and payment requisitions. • Created and communicated reports on reception performance to respective leadership groups. • Presented project information to clients and visitors during the events.
November 2011December 2014
3 years 2 months

UAE, www.emirates.com/ru/english/

Public Services... Show more

Cabin crew
• Showed great attendance, perfect appearance, stable punctuality, strong health, work ethic, positive attitude, stress resistance, ability to solve problems on the spot. • Successfully collaborated within a team of 30 international colleagues utilizing high level of English and Chinese language skills and people skills. • Provided impeccable customer service including VIP Emirates customers.
February 2011June 2011
5 months
Chelyabinsk State University


Chinese teacher
Assisted in creating new teaching program of Chinese economy, Provided interesting and creative way of studying for the students.
July 2008August 2009
1 year 2 months
International Building Construction
Chinese interpreter
Instructed the Chinese workers with safety engineering, Assisted in translating the qualified worker's instruction, Helped leaders with ordering necessary building materials.


Skill proficiency levels
Driving Licence B
Работа в команде
Деловое общение
Деловая переписка
Грамотная речь
Пользователь ПК
Английский язык
Работа с большим объемом информации
Поиск информации в интернет
Деловая коммуникация
Управление проектами
Business English
Customer Service
Written Translation
Организация мероприятий
Заключение договоров
Телефонные переговоры
Водительское удостоверение категории B
Ведение переговоров
Китайская кухня
Simultaneous Translation
Oral Translation
Документальное сопровождение
Организация мероприятий для сотрудников
Организация корпоративных мероприятий

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

Looking for a job in a loacl or international company to maintain long-term partnership. Opened for interesting, creative and breath-taking tasks. Positive thinking, creative, life-loving, friendly and opened personality.

Higher education

Emirates Aviation College
Chelyabinsk State University
Synology, Associate degree
Beijing Language and Culture University
Chinese, certificate
The University of Jiamusi
Graduated Musical School, certificate



ChineseA1 — Basic

EnglishC2 — Proficiency

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter