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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than two weeks ago
Female, 43 years, born on 16 June 1981
Moscow, I want to relocate (Australia, Canada, USA, Switzerland), prepared for occasional business trips
Software Developer
- Programmer, developer
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day
Work experience 21 year 9 months
January 2009 — currently
16 years 3 months
Moscow, www.icicall.ru
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Lead Software Developer/Project Manager
Full Software Development Lifecycle, including business examination and preparation of technical documentation for implementation, all stages of development, deployment and system support.
Automated Sales and Supply Management System. Web application built in a three-level architecture for oil and gas company. Provides an opportunity to optimize and improve effectiveness of the following processes:
Logistic schedule control and supply planning;
Production forecasting and planning;
Registration of deals and costs associated with execution of contracts;
Control of material balance;
Generation of analytical reports;
Integration with financial systems;
Registration of modifications and audit.
Reserves Expertize and Document Workflow Management System. Distributed information system automates the expertize process, provides the tools for control of regional affiliates activities, generates standard documents and reports.
Implemented solution for multilevel security to web-based government system by integration with PKI-based cryptography service provider (http://www.cryptopro.ru).
Redesigned, managed refactoring of existing solution (3-level architecture Apach Tomcat, RMI, Swing, WebStart, Oracle) to new architecture (JBoss AS, JSF/Richfaces, EJB 3.0, Oracle).
Optimized Transportation subsystem to improve performance of the Monthly Movement Schedule generation by 50%.
I have stepped in on project that was running behind the schedule and shipped it on-time.
Migrated projects to new environment (JBoss AS 6.0-7.1, JSF1.2-2.0 / Richfaces 3.3-4.0 EJB 3.0, PostgreSQL).
July 2007 — January 2009
1 year 7 months
Moscow, icicall.ru
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Lead Software Developer
Optimized 80% of SQL-generating code. In some cases performance increased up to 100 times.
Held meetings with customers and management discussing new business requirements and helping to translate them to technical specifications and tasks.
Managed the launching of web-based project (3-level architecture Apach Tomcat, RMI, Swing, WebStart, Oracle) across the geographically distributed affiliated regional offices.
Designed and implemented migration of project from RMI based infrastructure to Web services based infrastructure (using XFire application).
Assisted support team in solving complex problems and reporting hardly reproducible bugs.
March 2007 — July 2007
5 months
Moscow, icicall.com
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Software Developer
Developed and implemented solution for integration with e-document flow system by using barcodes for system generated documents.
Designed, implemented and deployed solution for generating graphical representation of reports data (using jFreeChart, JasperReport, iReport).
Designed and implemented solution for drawing complex headers in tables (Swing/AWT).
August 2004 — March 2007
2 years 8 months
Moscow, www.cboss.ru
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Java Developer / Web Developer
Designed and implemented a user interface for service allowing subscribers to use their own audio fragments to replace the standard ring back (CBOSScrbt).
Developed captcha security module for web-based applications.
As member of Management information system (CBOSSmis nT) enhanced security subsystem through integration with Prolog interpreter for Office Communication module.
Developed BPEL flows for Office Communication module’s business processes.
July 2003 — August 2004
1 year 2 months
Electronics Research and Production Center
Government Organizations... Show more
Java Developer
Created application which allowed creating a catalog of documents searchable by keyword.
Skill proficiency levels
About me
Member of Women who code,Girls in Tech,
Higher education
Институт вычислительной математики и кибернетики, Математика. Прикладная математика
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Russia
Permission to work: Russia
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter