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Мужчина, 47 лет, родился 27 августа 1977
Москва, готов к переезду (Канада, Москва, США), не готов к командировкам
Analyst with Architect/PM features
3 500 $ на руки
- Руководитель проектов
Занятость: полная занятость
График работы: полный день
Опыт работы 25 лет 1 месяц
Февраль 2004 — по настоящее время
21 год 2 месяца
- Creating, documenting, maintaining system architecture
- Performing analysis of user needs
- Leading the team
- Managing Java-based projects
- On-site trips to USA
Апрель 2002 — по настоящее время
23 года
Technical Director
- Technical Director/analyst role. Involved into development of a portal solution for a large Russian company.
- Analysis of and requirements for a large-scale Internet project, prototype development
- Development of system architecture for a logistic forecast application for a large international company. Development of the system’s core modules.
Январь 2001 — Апрель 2002
1 год 4 месяца
TOPS BI (Tengry)
- As PM: Managing several SW-dev projects.
- As PM: participating in pre-sale, developing plans and project estimations
- As SEPG: Designing and implementing corporate processes in respect to Software Development (Requirements Management, Change Management, Configuration Management, Project Tracking, Quality Control, Development Tactics, Process Audits)
Март 2000 — Январь 2001
11 месяцев
InterSystems inc. (USA)
QA specialist
Quality Assurance of InterSystems' flagship product – Object Oriented DMBS Caché
Обо мне
--- Goal ---
I want to contribute my technical experience and leadership skills to a challenging project in software development. I have a versatile profile working as Analyst, System Architect, and Project Manager. I can work under pressure and can exert the pressure myself driving the project to closure. I can utilize my deep technical expertise in both common and advanced topics to ensure optimal technical solutions.
The combination of PM + Analyst + Architect makes me one of the most useful members of the team, as in these examples:
As Analyst, I am particularly good at distilling the conceptual integrity out of the vision of non-tech stakeholders. And also being a senior Architect helps me to maintain the technical feasibility of the solution and quiclkly communicate technology issues to the stakeholders.
As Architect, I provide technical vision and fine tactics to the team and the project. Also being an Analyst allows me to ensure that the right system is being built and that the users will be satisfied with it.
As PM, I'm skilled at driving the project to the closure, with all the planning and complete development cycle. And my Architect/Analyst experience allows me to quickly respond to changing customer needs and tech issues, to sense the project health much better, and to be a true leader to the tech team.
I also have hands-on experience and noticeable achievements in QA and Process Engineering.
--- Technical Skills ---
Java (EJB, JDBC, Web, AWT/Swing, many more)
Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP, SWT, Plugins)
Rational, RUP, UML
C/C++ (STL, ODBC, Win32 API, MS Visual C++)
Databases (MSSQL, Oracle, Cache, MQSQL, others)
ClearQuest customization
Requirements Management (RequisitePro)
MS Office Automation
--- Subject areas with most experience ---
- Content Management Systems
- Database Optimization
- Information Retrieval (Search) Algorithms
- Customized Authorization Systems
- e-Learning
- Developer's and Office Tools
- Web Systems
- Authentication/Authorization Systems
- Parsers/Compilers
Высшее образование (Магистр)
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Applied Mathematics & Economics, Master
Знание языков
Тесты, экзамены
Numerous tests
BrainBench, http://www.brainbench.com/xml/default/transcript/public/viewtranscript.xml?pid=37905
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения