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Was online more than two weeks ago


Female, 28 years, born on 24 November 1996

Not looking for a job

Moscow, willing to relocate (Australia, Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Iceland, Canada, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, UAE, Poland, USA, Serbia, Finland, Sweden, Estonia), prepared for business trips

Senior Marketing Manager

  • Marketing and advertising department manager

Employment: full time, part time, work placement

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 8 years 11 months

August 2021currently
3 years 8 months
DILY Services


Marketing and International Development Consultant
1. International development and strategic planning for gambling companies 2. Optimization of the company's busindess units in the current geo 3. Launch of the gambling brands on new geos 4. Marketing research (market size, trends, audience analysis, business prospects assessment, etc.) 5. Marketing department development (recruitment, new business processes development, launch of new promotional mechanics, etc.) 5. CRM marketing development (user loyalty, ARPU, FTD, registration, etc.)
January 2021June 2021
6 months

Moscow, www.fonbet.ru/

Senior Manager in International Development
1. Analysis of the New International Markets & Markets Evaluation 2. Strategy Development for CIS Countries 3. Took part in Positioning Development for CIS Countries 4. Project Management (check-lists, timings, deadlines, budgets, resourses, etc.) for current (KZ, BY) and future Projects 5. Financial planning for current International Projects (KZ, BY) and for future International Projects + Financial planning of the projects for 5 years 6. Assessment of KPI results of current projects (FTD, Regs, Profitbet, GGR) - weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually 7. (based on KPI Assessment) Development and implementation of improvement steps for projects 8. Coordination with local offices (optimization, setting up processes, recruiting employees, etc.) Achevement: Launch of BC Fonbet on the territory of the Republic of Belarus fonbet.by
February 2020February 2021
1 year 1 month

Moscow, www.fonbet.ru/

Public Services... Show more

Senior Marketing Manager
1. Marketing Audit (in the head office, in branches, in marketing teams) 2. Strategic planning for the company for 5 years, for 10 years 3. Role of the Project Manager to prepare the launch of the Fonbet brand in the New Market (BY) 4. Analytics of business processes, creation of new business processes and their implementation 5. Analysis and accounting of KPI performance of the Marketing Department (~ 50 people) Achievements: 1. Marketing audit for CY branch - Processes improvement (inside the branch & outside) - Best Practices implementation (promo analytics, promo mechanics, SMM marketing, design, etc.) - Update the website and applications (fonbet.com.cy) with actual content 2. Marketing audit for Content Department (Main Office) - Transparency of the processes and functionality - New KPI`s system implementation - Improving 3 main criterias of content management - accuracy with briefs, timings, quality
March 2020January 2021
11 months

Moscow, www.fonbet.ru/

Public Services... Show more

Head of Content
Managing of a 100% remote team (before Covid-19, during Covid-19), then managing a Hybrid team (80% remote, 20% from the office) 1. Evaluation of the Content Department (processes, resources, results); 2. Increasing the efficiency of the Content department: - increasing the transparency of the work of the department for the management of the Department, - creation / simplification / improvement of processes, optimization of resources, - improving employee performance 3. Providing Content for all specialist in Marketing Department (PR, SMM, CRM, Digital, SEO), and all products of BC Fonbet (Russia, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Belarus) - site / applications; 4. Recruiting of new employees (3 new employees), creation of Individual development plans for current employees Achievements: KPI "Assessment of the work of the author" - ⬆ from 3.5 to 5 for all authors KPI "Estimation of term of work of the author" - ⬆ from 4 to 5 for all authors
February 2019February 2020
1 year 1 month

Moscow, www.fonbet.ru/

Marketing Manager
1. Market analysis 2. Customer and Internal Surveys Key Expert 3. Business process analytics 4. Taking part in Esports projects (TI9) 5. Marketing organizational structure optimization 6. Project management (Jira implementation)
June 2018February 2019
9 months

Moscow, www.hilti.ru

Industrial Equipment, Machine Tools and Components... Show more

Assistant in Strategic Marketing (VOC)
1. Evaluation of the Customer Facing Teams work quality 2. Analytics (customer database analysis, basic skills for SAP ) 3. Customer Feedback Analytics: identification of gaps and mistakes in the company`s business processes (Department of Warehouse and Transport logistics, Customer Facing Teams, Digital Sales channel - Hilti Online, Sales Department, etc.) 4. Proposals for business processes optimization
June 2017June 2018
1 year 1 month

Moscow, www.hilti.ru

Industrial Equipment, Machine Tools and Components... Show more

Assistant in Strategic Marketing (Market Reach)
1. Video Production (рexternal and internal videos); 2. Tendering procedures (work with participants, analysis, reporting) 3. Creation of training programms for Sales Department (VIP program) 4. Internal magazone creation (about VIP+ customers) 5. Event activities (support in Hilti Expo Oktoberfest organozation) 6. Sport Sponsorship (HC Spartak) 7. Analytics (Customer database analysis, basic skills in SAP)
December 2016May 2017
6 months
Kadrovyj Kapital

Russia, www.kadrovykapital.ru

Business Services... Show more

This project was part of the educational program of the HSE Management. 1. Keeping Facebook, VK 2. Selection of specialized content 3. Participation in the formation of the agency's SMM strategy
July 2016August 2016
2 months

Moscow, www.kellyservices.ru

Business Services... Show more

HR Marketing Assistant (Executive search)
1. Headhunting from hh.ru, sj,ru, LinkedIn, etc, 2. Middle & Executive search (recruitment) in Markeing (Brand Manager, Marketing Directior) 3. Interviewing with candidates (1-to-1, telephone) 4. Basic skills in Axapta
April 2016May 2016
2 months

Moscow, www.rendez-vous.ru

Retail... Show more

HR Manager Assistant
1. Interviewing candidates (1-to-1, telephone) 2. Headhunting from hh.ru , sj.ru , facebook,ru, etc. 3. Creation of the database with candidates for recruitment (reporting form, etc.)
July 2015October 2015
4 months
Russian Science Festival (RSF)

Moscow, www.festivalnauki.ru/stranica/5332/ooo-direkciya-festivalya-nauki

Public Activity, Political Parties, Volunteering, Non-Profit Organizations... Show more

Event Marketing Assistant
1. Work with regional participants of the Russian Science Festival (RSF) 2. Organization and coordination of the stay of foreign lecturers in Moscow 3. Organization of events within the framework of the Festival: partly participate in preparation of the awarding Presidentof Russian Federation Grants (wroking with participants), Children`s Drawing Competiton (full coordination of this activation: volunteers, working with the jury , selection of the winners)


Skill proficiency levels
Atlassian Jira
Atlassian Confluence
Project management
Customer orientation
International Development
Marketing Analysis

Driving experience

Driver's license category B

About me

Achievements: 12.2018 | Fonbet Case HSE - Winners (Grand Prix) A joint project of Fonbet and HSE, Case Championship on the topic "Sponsorship Contract Optimization" 03.2017 | Cup Spb 2017 - High Quality Award The High Quality Award is awarded to participants who offer the highest quality solution in the first round of the championship

Higher education (master)

ESCP Europe (Paris)
Business & Management, Marketing



EnglishC1 — Advanced

GermanA1 — Basic

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter