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Мужчина, 41 год, родился 5 апреля 1983

Не ищет работу

Алматы, готов к переезду (Австралия, Австрия, Беларусь, Германия, Израиль, Канада, Катар, Кипр, Китай, Королевство Саудовская Аравия, Кувейт, Кыргызстан, Монголия, Нидерланды, Новая Зеландия, ОАЭ, Россия, Румыния, США, Сербия, Словакия, Таиланд, Турция, Узбекистан, Филиппины, Швейцария, Шри-Ланка, Южная Корея), готов к командировкам


  • Менеджер по продажам, менеджер по работе с клиентами

Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа, стажировка

График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод

Опыт работы 23 года 3 месяца

Июнь 2012по настоящее время
12 лет 10 месяцев
Nielsen Kazakhstan


DA RMS Leader Kazakhstan
Management of country operating team: • Organization of market data collecting(main indicators - stock, price, out of stock and other shelf fact) for FMCG categories (more 100 Cat including food and drug) • Deep marketing analyzing on base of collected data and all extra data, with preparing of future plan to improve main KPI • Investigation of macros, market, portfolio, competitor, channel, customer, cross-category and shopper situation and trends into business growth opportunities • Engage decision makers at all stages of the planning cycle, drive external, data-based decision-making, ensure insight-to action changes in behaviors to improve probabilities of business success • Proactively assess the situation; frame the problem/opportunity and develop an insights based solution that accelerates Growth and delivers a strong ROII • Financial planning(budgeting) and execution of yearly finance activities including many operations needs • Compliance with standards of the company and Implementation global and regional KPI • Managing of the work of 18 regional representatives(on all territory of Kazakhstan), total team 250 FTE • Introduction of a multi-national practices in the department (part of the staff outside the country) • Create projects to customer requirements(for market investigation and analyze) • Development of integrated solutions for electronic data collection, quality control, CRM management and other • Execution of a full cycle of the project(from zero level to close of contract) • Organizing and conducting presentations, trainings and business meetings • Driving of Introduction and implementation of modern technologies in work
Январь 2010Май 2012
2 года 5 месяцев
OTC Network Ltd.
Head of department of radio monitoring systems and special equipment
Control and monitoring of work of department: • Communication technologies; • Measurement Equipment; • Military and special technic; • Special mobile systems; • Special equipment; • Creation of duty regulations; • Planning of work of department; • Creation of annual budget of department; • Control and monitoring of department according approved plans. • Creation of projects according customer requirements ; • Creation of integration solutions ; • Execution of integration of hardware and software ; • Management project and financial reporting of contracts ; • Execution of a full cycle of the contract ; • Organization of cooperation with customers ; • Organization of cooperation with suppliers ; • Organization and executions of presentations and work meetings ; • Organization and executions of presentations and work meetings out of office ; • Creation of duty regulations , standards, internal procedure of company ; • Participation in transfer to the electronic document exchange inside of company ; • Preparation and execution of ISO certification of company
Январь 2007Январь 2010
3 года 1 месяц
OTC Network Ltd.
Project manager
Execution of projects: • Communication technologies; • Measurement Equipment; • Military and special technic; • Special mobile systems; • Special equipment; • Creation of projects according customer requirements ; • Creation of integration solutions ; • Execution of integration of hardware and software ; • Management project and financial reporting of contracts ; • Planning of work of project team ; • Execution of a full cycle of the project ; • Organization of cooperation with customers ; • Organization of cooperation with suppliers ; • Organization and executions of presentations and work meetings ; • Organization and executions of presentations and work meetings out of office
Январь 2006Январь 2007
1 год 1 месяц
Center for Astrophysical Research, Institute of Ionosphere.
Researcher, Head of the expedition
• Research in communication and execution of innovation projects • Execution of work of researching of work of main radio communication channels in different weather and environmental conditions • Execution of innovation projects • Participation in creation of requirements for first Kazakhstan satellite • Creation of requirements of standards for broadcast in Kazakhstan region • Main coordination of team during expedition researching • Calculation of model of Electromagnetic waves propagation • Organization of seminars and presentations
Январь 2004Январь 2006
2 года 1 месяц
Center for Astrophysical Research, Institute of Ionosphere.
Junior Researcher
* Execution of measurements and receiving data ; * Processing of the data ; * Work with measurement equipments ; * Work with mathematics models ; * Research in communication and execution of innovation projects ; * Execution of work of researching of work of main radio communication channels in different weather and environmental conditions * Execution of innovation projects ; * Participation in creation of requirements for first Kazakhstan satellite ; * Creation of requirements of standards for broadcast in Kazakhstan region
Январь 2002Январь 2004
2 года 1 месяц
Center for Astrophysical Research, Institute of Ionosphere.
Assistant of Researcher
* Execution of measurements and receiving data ; * Processing of the data ; * Work with measurement equipments ; * Maintenance of measurement equipments ; * Installation of measurement equipments


Уровни владения навыками
Audit Expert
MS Excel
MS Word
MS PowerPoint
Big Data
Data Analysis
Data Mining
Data Mining: ACNielsen
MS Outlook
FMCG Продажи
Trade Marketing
Leadership Skills
Time management
Business Planning
Driving Licence B
Team management

Опыт вождения

Имеется собственный автомобиль

Права категории B, C

Обо мне

I have the more 5 - year experience FMCG market, sophisticated analytical systems and marketing analyze. I have the more 10 - year experience as a project manager and managing teams up to 250 people (including regional offices). HAVE THE FOLLOWING SKILLS: - Deep understanding of local FMCG market around all country(visit all city's and visit all channels of trade) - Execution of consumer research project and retail meashurment audit for FMCG categories - Development , implementation of strategies and policies of the company; - Execution of complicated integration and research projects; - Working in a multi-national teams and companies; - Marketing and advertising companies; - Market research; - Negotiating and signing of contracts; - Managing teams up to 250 people; - Development and monitoring of executions of projects (contracts); - Conducting trainings for personnel; - Search and investigation for potential suppliers and organization of work with them; - Find the necessary solutions based on customer requirements; - Organization of work of project teams(including on a remote basis); - Execution of a full cycle of the contract. - Financial planning and reporting. - Work with complex analytical information

Высшее образование (Магистр)

University of International Business
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
MEDAV GmbH, Germany
Wideband analyze system
EADS GmbH , Germany
Radio-electronical systems
KB Yuzhmash, Ukraine
Satellite, Technology of satellite communication
Institute for Advanced Studies on standardization, metrology, certification and quality management
Expert-auditor of certification of communications equipment
Almaty State University named by Abaya
Applied Physics, Mathematics and Computer Technologies

Знание языков


АнглийскийC2 — В совершенстве

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Казахстан

Разрешение на работу: Казахстан

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения