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Male, 35 years, born on 19 November 1989

Not looking for a job

Moscow, willing to relocate (Great Britain, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, UAE, Omsk, Poland, Portugal, USA, Singapore, Philippines, Montenegro, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland, South Korea, Japan), prepared for business trips

Senior Buyer/ Procurement manager

  • Procurement manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 12 years 9 months

October 2018currently
6 years 6 months

Moscow, www.vtb.ru/

Financial Sector... Show more

Head expert of the unit for interaction with payment systems
- planning of operating expenses in terms of manufacturing and shipping cards; - control of budget implementation; - analysis of the market of suppliers of plastic card pieces, necessary materials and related services for the implementation of the Bank's current tasks for the launch of new and modification of current card products, as well as optimization of existing practices of ordering and quality control of pieces; - negotiations, coordination of conditions of possible cooperation with companies-planning of operating costs in terms of manufacturing and shipping cards; - control of budget implementation; - analysis of the market of suppliers of plastic card pieces, necessary materials and related services for the implementation of the Bank's current tasks for the launch of new and modification of current card products, as well as optimization of existing practices of ordering and quality control of pieces; - negotiations, coordination of conditions of possible cooperation with the companies-producers of pieces of cards and raw materials; - preparation of documents required for tenders for the purchase of card pieces, procurement activities in accordance with the Federal law of the Russian Federation for the purchase of card pieces of local and foreign manufacturers; - preparation of documents required for tenders for the selection of outsourcers personalization card pieces, procurement activities in accordance with the Federal law of the Russian Federation; - coordination of contracts for the production and supply of card pieces, personalization of card pieces, customs clearance and signing of contracts; - interaction with certified cargo delivery services from foreign suppliers; - making payments, technical specifications and other supporting documents in the framework of agreements on production and delivery of pieces of cards, personalization of pieces of cards, customs clearance, accommodation for transportation applications "Troika" on chip cards; - control over the consumption of pieces of different types of cards in the Bank's storage on the basis of statistics. - manufacturers of card pieces and raw materials; - preparation of documents required for tenders for the purchase of card pieces, procurement activities in accordance with the Federal law of the Russian Federation for the purchase of card pieces of Russian and foreign manufacturers; - interaction with certified delivery services of goods from foreign suppliers; - implementation of payments, technical specifications and other supporting documents in the framework of agreements on production and delivery of pieces of cards, personalization of pieces cards, customs clearance, accommodation for transportation applications "Troika" on chip cards;
June 2017February 2018
9 months
SBERBANK Corporate University

Moscow Oblast, sberbank-university.ru/ru/

Educational Institutions... Show more

Head of procurement control department
Development, optimization and control of the correctness of the process of competitive procurement procedures from the moment of formation of the need to the stage of the contract - Prepared, formed and approved a package of documents (regulations, orders, instructions, etc. internal regulatory documentation) for the reorganization of the procurement procedure which allowed about with 50% of the contracts to reduce the cost by 1.5-2 times compared to the previous ones, as well as to reduce the duration of the procedure by 25%. - Conducted training of the internal customer for procurement in the organization - Organized the interaction of related units involved in the procurement process - Conducted an audit of the value of contracts with major suppliers, identified and prepared proposals for the optimization of the value of contracts with these companies - Formed quarterly and annual procurement plans
April 2016May 2017
1 year 2 months
SBERBANK Corporate University

Moscow Oblast, sberbank-university.ru/ru/

Educational Institutions... Show more

Chief specialist of the procurement control department
Organization, conduct and selection of suppliers of goods/works/services for the needs of the University in accordance with bylaw. Duties of the Secretary of the procurement Commission with the right to vote - Carried out the evaluation of markets to identify the most favorable conditions of supply, provision of services, implemented the evaluation method of a non-numeric indicators of vendor proposals - Conducted procedures for accreditation of suppliers, formed a register of such suppliers - Organized documentary support of the meetings of the Procurement Commission - Drafting the documents for competitive procedures - Developed standard forms of documents to automate the preparation of documentation for competitive procedures and trained the internal client to work with them, which resulted in 3 times increased awareness of the requirements for the procurement procedure - Initiated work on ECD of the University e-tendering - Prepared quarterly and annual procurement plan Monitoring of current contracts to assess the need for extension
October 2014March 2016
1 year 6 months

Moscow, ot.ru

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Tender manager
Preparation and formation of applications for participation in tender procedures - Implemented a digital signature, accreditation and associated work at the EM - Organized the process of communication between the company's divisions in the process of implementation-Organized participation in the procedures of oil and gas and telecommunications companies (including Rosneft, Gazprom, Transneft, SIBUR, Bashneft, Rostelecom, VimpelCom, etc.) - Established effective communication with customers - The percentage of refusals to submitted applications is less than 5%
February 2014October 2014
9 months
The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Moscow, минобрнауки.рф/

Government Organizations... Show more

Energy Efficiency, Sustainability and Transportation Systems Consultant
Оrganization of interaction between government agencies, Universities and Research organizations in the development of FTP - Carried out control and verification of contracts within the framework of the Federal target program " Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2014-2020» - Organized and conducted work in the framework of cooperation with Federal Executive Authorities, Universities, Research organizations - Executed orders on organization of works on adjustment of priority directions of development of science, technologies and techniques of the Russian Federation and the list of critical technologies in the Russian Federation (organization of meetings, preparation of documentation, writing reports, negotiations)
February 2013February 2014
1 year 1 month
The Gubkin Russian State Oil and Gas University

Moscow, www.gubkin.ru/

Educational Institutions... Show more

Marketing and Commination’s Agent
development of directions for the participation of the University in tenders for R & d and R & d of the largest oil companies, as well as state organizations - Developed and maintained a system of constant monitoring of tenders and tenders (including electronic auctions).) - Prepared a full package of documents for the participation of the University in the tender procedures of oil and gas companies and Government Customers (in paper and electronic form) - Conducted monitoring of contract execution and the writing of closing documentation - Participated in negotiations with representatives of oil-producing and oil-refining companies - - Implemented a digital signature, accreditation and associated work at the ETP - Correspondence with the customer for clarification and compliance of tender documents - Organized interaction with the organization's divisions on participation in tenders;
June 2012December 2012
7 months
LLC «APG Advisors»


Business Services... Show more

Marketing CEO
- Created a model to analyze and predict product performance - Carried out the attraction of new customers - Prepared financial models of enterprises ' activity - Negotiated with clients - Conducted marketing analysis of markets - Developed strategies for product promotion on the market - Developed an investment proposal for an IT company
August 2011February 2012
7 months
FB Media Solutions

Moscow, flippingbook.com/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Specialist of Client Relations Department
- Correspondence with clients - Development of programs to attract additional users to the site - Active promotion of the company's products on various Internet sites - Maintenance of customer databases, requests for new functionality Analysis of competitors in the market taking into account specific indicators


Skill proficiency levels
Driving Licence B

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

Certifications & Training: Basic certification in accounting, financial reporting, macro and micro economics, common and corporate law, brand management, and people management; Luxury Good Marketing Course; Strategic Marketing Course

Higher education

Higher School of Management, Masters of Strategic Marketing



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

State and municipal procurement
Russian school of management

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Up to one hour