Saint Petersburg,
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Project Engineer (Manufacturing Engineering CCRW)
- Responsible for Manufacturing Engineering activities in BodyShop, in Paint Shop and General Assembly during launch phases, e.g. specification, ordering, installation, commissioning.
- Responsible for Manufacturing Engineering projects coordination in Body Shop, in Paint Shop and GA and fulfilling the targets in terms of timing, cost and quality.
- Responsible for validation of process equipment.
- Responsible for engineering and production equipment acceptance procedure on plant site.
- Responsible for documentation of findings and lessons learned because of problem solving and engineering investigation and avoiding the repeated mistakes in further.
- Responsible for creation of cost estimates and equipment layouts as a basis for project decisions.
- Ensure production readiness of conveyers controlling systems, robots and welding.
- Planning and execution of local projects on plant site, e.g. equipment replacement & overhaul, engineering ways for cost saving.
- Support the plant in solving engineering manufacturing problems on a day to day basis.
- Participate in Continuous Improvement activities, e.g. GoFast!, cost saving projects, suggestions, launch improvement, workload balancing,
- Participate in the following projects:
- Installation of loading and reloading stations on Pretreatment and Electro coat line in Paint Shop.
- Speed adjustment of Pretreatment and Electro coat line for 18 JPH NET in PAint Shop.
- Development and implementation of new additional precleaning station in PaintShop.
- Replacement identifying color displays in spray booth in Paint shop.
- Replacementdetective operator panel (SWAC) in Paint shop.
- Improve thermoregulatory of the ovens in Paint shop.
- Purchase and replacement of old batteries in AGV in General Assembly.
- Completion of identified training requirements in line with the Regional Manufacturing Engineering skill inventory.
- Meet department specific targets based on the superior objectives of business plans from regional ME and plant St. Petersburg.
- Meet Commitment and Accountability Partnership (CAP) targets.
- Implementation and follow up of GM-GMS principles at Manufacturing Engineering Plant St. Petersburg.
- To comply with the safety requirements, established by laws and other normative legal acts, as well as rules and regulations on labor safety, fire safety.
- Correctly apply the individual and collective protection.
- To study safe methods and techniques used to perform work and provide first aid at work, safety training, training in the workplace, testing knowledge of labor protection requirements.
- Immediately inform their immediate supervisor or any situation that threatens the life and health of the people of each accident, incident, or the deterioration of their health, including illness (poisoning).
- Undergo mandatory preliminary (on) and periodically (for work) medical examinations (survey) in the field of employer.