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Была на сайте вчера в 22:58


Женщина, 31 год, родилась 14 октября 1993

Рассматривает предложения

Алматы, м. Жибек Жолы, готова к переезду (Великобритания, Германия, США, Сингапур), готова к командировкам

Указан примерный район поиска работы

Marketing Communications

  • Event-менеджер
  • SMM-менеджер, контент-менеджер
  • Менеджер по маркетингу, интернет-маркетолог
  • Руководитель отдела маркетинга и рекламы

Занятость: полная занятость

График работы: полный день, гибкий график, вахтовый метод

Опыт работы 9 лет 10 месяцев

Март 2024по настоящее время
1 год 1 месяц


Финансовый сектор... Показать еще

Marketing Supervisor
− Developed and localized marketing strategies for the Deal Advisory department, aligning global initiatives with regional market needs. − Planned and executed corporate events for 100+ participants including training sessions, team-building activities, retreats, and high-profile client events. − Managed end-to-end event logistics, vendor coordination, budgeting, and contract negotiations, ensuring seamless execution within set timelines and quality standards. − Negotiated and secured the department’s participation in key industry conferences, enhancing PR visibility, and engagement. − Managed application for accreditation processes with financial institutions, ensuring compliance and increasing eligibility to participate in upcoming tenders. − Oversaw the development of marketing materials, from external website to brochures, ensuring brand consistency and business alignment. − Adapted and led Global Thought Leadership reports by localizing insights, integrating expert commentary, preparing content for landing pages and social media, and supporting conference presentations.
Ноябрь 2020Октябрь 2023
3 года

Алматы, samsung.com/kz_ru

Электроника, приборостроение, бытовая техника, компьютеры и оргтехника... Показать еще

Marketing communications
• Designed and managed 11 product launches with brand campaigns for each flagman in line with Go-to-Market strategy. • Led 6 Unpack Live streams for Galaxy S, Z and A Series from Jan 2022 to Aug 2023 by managing cross-channel marketing, influencer collaboration, production and content preparation which resulted in exceeding set KPI views by 15%-20% per stream (Link). • Prepared and managed 100+ brand campaigns and projects by briefing agencies, managing SAP (Link). Prepared and managed 300+ brand campaigns and projects, starting from briefing to gaining approvals and initiating payments in SAP. • Created and adapted 40+ videos in line with GTM plan and brand campaigns with over 100k views (Link). • Managed and created social media content for Samsung Galaxy brand on Instagram, Youtube & Facebook & TikTOk. • Managed digital and offline challenges in major cities by securing rules with Legal department, managing paid ads and social media management to support product launch resulting in over 2,000 participants in challenge. • Liaised with marketing agencies and third-party vendors on a daily basis to manage ongoing projects, organize documentation through internal programs and preparing for project closing and payment. • Collaborated with HQ/RHQ or third parties to source marketing assets & best practices.
Август 2018Сентябрь 2020
2 года 2 месяца

Алматы, www.groupeseb-careers.com/ru

Электроника, приборостроение, бытовая техника, компьютеры и оргтехника... Показать еще

Digital speacialist
• Created content for partner’s website by acquiring and adapting materials from HQ, correcting characteristics on existing web pages and implementing creative landing pages resulting in 85% content renewal. • Managed external and internal marketing communications b/w business administration and partners’ during product promotions by aiding in SMM, designing content for publication and endorsing limited budget for targeted ads which increased online sales by 5%. • Led projects of media communication channels (TV, digital) by altering materials in accordance with Nutrition Academy requirements, confirming placement and budget with TV channels, adapting materials in line with TV and digital platform requirements, managing usage rights buyout through HQ negotiation. Territory – Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. • Liaised with RHQ administration team and marketing agencies on a daily basis to manage documentation process through internal programs and preparing for project closing and payment. • Collaborated with HQ/RHQ or third parties to source marketing assets & best practices.
Июнь 2017Декабрь 2017
7 месяцев
Nestlé Фуд Казахстан


Продукты питания... Показать еще

Intern in Marketing
• Assisted Brand Manager with all media communication channels (TVC, OOH, digital) by brief preparation, project execution, managing right buyout, adapting all materials in line with channel requirements and project closure. • Aided in rebranding by preparing BTL and digital projects communicating new visual and message resulting in praise and acknowledgment from RHQ. • Abetted with digital SNS project by briefing agency, checking all designs to communicate rebranding, communication with agency, analyzing weekly reports and implementing changes for better results. • Executed BTL activation and POS materials production with marketing agency and trade marketing department from briefing to realization with limited time and budget. • Organized two internal product launch by briefing agency, designing email newsletter, preparing promo materials and execution in the office resulting in positive reviews among colleagues. • Helped Brand Manager to prepare analysis for quarterly report in front of General Manager using AC Nielsen. • Liaised with administration team and marketing agencies on a daily basis to manage documentation process through internal programs and preparing for project closing and payment.
Март 2016Март 2017
1 год 1 месяц
Seattle Chocolates

США, seattlechocolates.com

Продукты питания... Показать еще

Marketing Associate
• Managed social media content for 2 media channels (IG and FB), including daily photoshoots, scheduling, editing, creating content strategy. • Successfully managed and participated at sampling and demo events, at Facebook and North West Chocolate Festival (with over 15k visitors). • Worked with product manager in creating product mockups, idea generation for future bar designs, participated in new flavor brainstorming. • Assisted Quality Director in Annual SQF (Safe Quality Food) audit. Result of audit 98/100% rate. • Helped to manage annual social media charity campaign #chocolategives, including generation of creative content and management for Instagram, blogger outreach and agency communication. Gathered about 360,000 donations in 6 month.
Сентябрь 2011Июль 2013
1 год 11 месяцев
KISA (KIMEP International Student Association)


Образовательные учреждения... Показать еще

HR менеджер
Направляла, студентов по обмену, через процесс зачисления, помогала с документами и переводом; планировала развлечения и поездки по городу; организовывала собрания для членов организаций, контролировала работу и т.д.
Ноябрь 2011Февраль 2012
4 месяца

Алматы, wikibilim.kz/

Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

Ассистировала в переводе и печати с Казахского на Русский и Английский языки. Проверяла грамматические ошибки и вводила корректировки.


Уровни владения навыками
Работа в команде
Английский язык
Письменный перевод
Организаторские навыки
Маркетинговые коммуникации
Маркетинговые исследования
Ведение переговоров
Пользователь ПК
Редактирование текстов на иностранном языке
ACNielsen begginer-user
MS Excel
Web Design

Обо мне

Английский уровень - Upper Intermediate Soft skills: Ответсвенная, проактивная, усердная, лидер, исполнительная, быстро-обучаемая, коммуникабельная, опимистичная, умею слаженно работать в команде, рациональная перфекционистка, умею презентовать. Занимаюсь спортом (бег, пилатес). Посещаю общественные мероприятия для самореализации, и расширения кругозора

Высшее образование (Бакалавр)

Факультет бизнеса имени Бэнга, Маркетинг

Знание языков


АнглийскийC2 — В совершенстве

РусскийC2 — В совершенстве

Повышение квалификации, курсы

Web Design (intensive)
Method.kz, IT, Digital marketing
Content Marketing for Professionals (Coursera)
Northwestern University, Content marketing
HSBA Summer School on CSR Management
HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administartion, Corporate Social Responsibility
YouthSpark Live
Microsoft, IT
Leadership Development Seminar
AIESEC Алматы, Лидерство
Leadership Development Day
AIESEC Алматы, Лидерство
Drive Dance Project
London Dance School, Искусство
IESEG School of Management IESEG School of Management, Paris, France
КИМЭП, Деловое администрирование (обучение по обмену)
Общий курс Английского языка в InterPress
InterPress (Inter House), Ангийский
Подготовка к IELTS
Консультационно-образовательный центр Lanto Education, Ангийский
Конференция-тренинг по развитию лидерства
АЮЛ (Ассоциация Юных Лидеров), Лидерство
Городской дебатный школьный турнир на тему «Казахстану необходимо улучшить сферу международного Туризма»
Дебатный центр, Дебаты
ESL (English as a Second Language)
North Park University, Chicago, English
IDEA Debate and Citizen Journalism Institute
IDEA, Дебаты

Тесты, экзамены

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) - 6.5
British Council, Английский

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Казахстан

Разрешение на работу: Казахстан

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не более часа