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Female, 44 years, born on 5 September 1980
USA, willing to relocate (Moscow), not prepared for business trips
3 000 $ in hand
- Interpreter
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day
Work experience 19 years 11 months
April 2009 — currently
16 years
Russian-English Interpreter (medical and social services)
For the past year I have been working as a Medical Interpreter with Sacred Heart Hospital and three other agencies.
I provided Medical Interpretation service in multiple clinics, hospitals and Doctor's offices in Spokane area, WA, US.
March 2007 — December 2007
10 months
June 2005 — September 2005
4 months
ГУП "Управление гаражного строительства"
помощник руководителя ГУП "УГС"
Составление и оформление документов управления. Обработка поступающих и отправляемых документов, регистрация и контроль исполнения документов. Выполнение технических функций (ксерокопирование материалов, отправка и прием факсов, информационно-поисковая и справочная работа и т.п.). Организация приема посетителей. Подготовка переговоров и совещаний.
October 2001 — June 2004
2 years 9 months
Zaoksky University
Секретарь издательского отдела
Составление и оформление документов. Организация работы с документами. Выполнение технических функций. Телефонное обслуживание.
About me
Team player;
Fast learner with a wide range of practical skills;
Able to handle challenging tasks in a busy office; resourceful problem solver.
Well organized and focused in coordinating projects.
Success oriented with high level energy and a positive attitude.
Word, Excel, Power Point, and etc.
Higher education (bachelor)
Zaoksky University
BA. Специализация: английский язык, Диплом/бакалавриат
Zaoksky University
Секретарь-референт, Диплом
Альметьевский торгово-экономический колледж
Коммерческая деятельность, Диплом
Tests, examinations
A Certified Social Services Interpreter
Department of Social and Health Services, State of Washington, US, Professional Language Certificate
A Certified Medical Interpreter
Department of Social and Health Services, State of Washington, US, Professional Language Certificate
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Russia
Permission to work: USA
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter