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Female, 36 years, born on 2 July 1988

Considers offers

Moscow, willing to relocate (Australia, Italy, USA, Switzerland), prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Executive assistant

4 500  in hand

  • Interpreter

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule

Work experience 17 years 7 months

April 2022currently
3 years
VTB Capital
Executive assistant
- full administrative support, including mailings, meetings, projects, visitors, events, travel, etc.; - maintaining agenda; - providing support in preparation of external and internal meetings and presentations; - develop materials for the meetings and events as well as arrange follow up, including writing down minutes and correspondence; - dealing with correspondence both in Russian & English; - arranging business trips: travel assistance, making hotel reservations, organizing car rentals and prepare reimbursements with Finance department; - coordination staff report; - dealing with documents flows, including registration, follow up and report according to deadlines.
June 2018January 2022
3 years 8 months

Moscow, aizel.ru

Executive assistant
24/7 leadership supporting Personal assistant - accompanying the manager on trips; - family file management (paperwork-visas, passports, citizenship, registration), accommodation with family in London; - travel support (booking flights, train tickets, private jets, booking hotels worldwide); - arranging and coordinating children's school fees, children's leisure time, birthdays, restaurant reservations, beauty salon/clinic appointments - running personal errands, shopping, rare gifts, bidding at auctions, etc; - control and interaction with service personnel in Russia and abroad; - control of personal finances; - Managing and overseeing the payment of household and personal staff salaries. Business assistance - maintaining a working and personal calendar, organising business meetings and appointments, maintaining a database of contacts, birthday reminders and preparing premium gifts; - Business correspondence with partners (Russian/English); - control of execution of the manager's orders; - searching for, organizing and providing necessary information, preparing presentations; - Work with documents: drafting, preparation, distribution, etc.; - Working with confidential information. Buying (by season): - sampling, in conjunction with the boutique director; - communicating with brands; - placing orders.
November 2017June 2018
8 months
National Tourist Union


Government Organizations... Show more

Executive assistant of the President of National Tourist Union
Responsibilities: - participation in international travel fairs; - travel support; - managing a manager's calendar; - writing letters in Russian/English; - negotiating; - accompanying on business trips; - social networking; - running personal errands; - Control over the organization of the work of individual services of the company; - arranging meetings and negotiations; - taking minutes of meetings; - document management.
April 2013July 2016
3 years 4 months
Execujet Europe


Aircraft’s owner executive assistant and flight manager from September 2013 / Flight Attendant on Dassault Falcon 7x (base Moscow and worldwide operation)
Responsibilities: - drafting flight logistics; - organisation of meetings, negotiations; - arranging transport (cars, helicopters, charter flights if necessary); - business correspondence, including in English; - coordination of support staff activities; - working as a team with the flight crew; - maintaining all financial, insurance, technical (from part) documentation for the aircraft; - planning and ordering food (personal grocery shopping, working with restaurants and catering); - pre-flight preparation of the aircraft; - ensuring conditions for passenger comfort and safety; - service throughout the flight; - control of execution of manager's orders; - personal orders of the manager.
April 2007December 2012
5 years 9 months


Heavy Engineering... Show more

Flight Attendant
Responsibilities: - welcoming and accommodating passengers; - informing passengers about flight conditions and general rules of conduct on board; - implementation of passenger safety measures on board the aircraft; - use of emergency equipment on board the aircraft; - provision of first medical aid; - provision of hot and cold beverages and meals; - providing passengers with additional services of higher comfort; - maintenance of work documentation.
January 2006March 2007
1 year 3 months

Ufa, www.airportufa.ru/

Heavy Engineering... Show more

Technician-operator (ground handling of aircraft)
Responsibilities: - preparing special vouchers; - keeping track of fuel and lubricants; - Keeping the timesheet.


Skill proficiency levels
Travel Support
Meetings Organization
Business Correspondence
Driving Licence B
Execution Of Orders
Organization Skills
Agile Project Management
Negotiation skills

Driving experience

Driver's license category B

About me

Dear Sir/Madam, good afternoon! My name is Yuliya Kalyaeva. A month ago I left AIZEL GROUP, where I was working as a personal and business assistant for CEO and Founder, Aizel Trudel for almost 4 years. Now I am looking for a new career opportunities where I can make use of all my skills and experience. I like it, when life is meaningful, there is something to strive for, and most importantly, something to learn. My love for all new things, unusual, unconventional, my persistence and hard work have led me to experience many different areas of life. I have learned to be nimble, responsible, organized, diligent and attentive to detail. Most of all, I value in myself the propensity for self-discovery, ability to take responsibility and make decisions. I am proactive, able to work independently and as part of a team. Experience the drive of achievement, aimed at the result. Striving for personal and professional growth. Paying great attention to cleanliness, style and details. I absolutely in love with traveling and outdoor activities. I am fond of yoga, dancing, reading, spiritual practices and tennis. I will be happy if you can find a suitable vacancy for a professional like me. If necessary, l would be happy to provide you a reference letters and ready to to discuss about salary from your side. Thank you. Best regards, Yuliya Kalyaeva.

Higher education

Bashkir state academy of public service & management
department of finance & credit, Economic Theory
Ufa college of statistics, informatics & computer facilities
department of economy& accounting, bookkeeper



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

FrenchA1 — Basic

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter