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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 26 years, born on 9 October 1998

Not looking for a job

Moscow, I want to relocate (Germany, Spain, Netherlands, USA, France, Switzerland), prepared for business trips

Senior Frontend Developer

6 000 $ in hand

  • Programmer, developer
  • Development team leader

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 6 years 9 months

January 2022currently
3 years 3 months


IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Team lead
Leading a product frontend team of 4 people. - Managed development and released a new subscription feature within a week - Mentored the development of logs and metrics aggregation module - Managed development of restaurant promo feature - Developed a BDU (Backend Driven UI) restaurant dashboard with personalized recommendations and charts - Managed a team under tough deadlines Stack: React, Redux, React Query, Material UI, RxJs, Mobx, Websocket, Storybook, Jest, Selenium
October 2020January 2022
1 year 4 months

Moscow, www.yandex.ru

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Senior frontend developer
Developer of Yandex.Eats application – a high load B2B app for restaurant management and orders processing. - Developed notifications and news feed - Developed promo page, where restaurant can start promos - Developed support chats - Integrated Storybook - Fostered the culture of writing unit tests - Configured CI infrastructure to run Integration and unit tests (hermione, jest, storybook) - Contributed to the acceleration of app release cycle (from 2 weeks to 1 week) - Developed automatic deployment of the application for each pushed branch - Initiated migration from Mobx to Redux - Standardized interaction with server API using ReactQuery - Assisted in UI-kit development - Designed new architecture for legacy parts of the app - Interviewed new candidates - Gained experience as a project tech lead - Gained experience at projects research and decomposition - Mentored interns and new employees Stack: React, Redux, React Query, Material UI, RxJs, Mobx, Websocket, Storybook, Jest, Selenium
October 2019March 2020
6 months
PLAYGTA startup

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Full stack developer
MTA gamemode developer. - Developed player dashboard - Developed registration and authentication systems - Developed player creation screen - Developed interaction system with cars Frontend stack: React, Mobx, Styled-Components, TypeScript Server stack: TypeScript (transpiled into Lua), MySql
June 2019October 2019
5 months


IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Senior IT Engineer
Educational platform developer. - Developed module for verification of assignments of students - Developed student profile - Developed notifications - Developed a list of training modules, their creation and editing Stack: React, Apollo GraphQl, Styled-Components, TypeScript
December 2018March 2019
4 months

Moscow, www.yandex.ru

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Intern Developer
Yandex.Turbo developer. - Optimised react components rendering - Gained experience working with performance devtools - Wrote tests (unit, e2e) Stack: React, Redux, BEM, Jest, Enzyme, Hermione, TypeScript
November 2017December 2018
1 year 2 months


Financial Sector... Show more

Full stack web developer
- Developed landing pages - Developed profile of investor - Visualised data using highcharts library Stack: React, Redux, MobX, ExpressJs, NestJs, TypeScript


Skill proficiency levels
Styled Components

Driving experience

Driver's license category B

About me

Soft skills: leadership, team management, project management, communication, creative thinking, responsibility, adaptability, positivity, critical thinking. Hobbies: snowboarding, surfing, drifting, gaming, studying UE4.

Incomplete higher education

8, Фундаментальная информатика и информационные технологии



EnglishB2 — Upper Intermediate

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Lithuania, Russia

Permission to work: France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Spain

Desired travel time to work: Up to one hour